
High Mobility Working

Today my work took me to four different places. First up was the VLC office in Utrecht. For me this is ‘home’ and a great place to meet coworkers. After some emailing and phone calls I went to our VLC office in Amsterdam for a quick meeting with the delivery manager for my project. This was unexpected for him as we planned to have a conference call. But for me it was on the way to my next appointment. Meetings in person always seem to be more productive. For this meeting this surely was the point as we could do some pre-evaluation stuff.

After that I went back on the road to meetup and lunch with a New World of Work Friend. We discussed a new initiative I am working and got some valuable feedback and ideas. We had not spoken since my move to VLC and until now we had not had the chance to talk about his work more in depth so we talked about our companies and the work we are doing.

My last stop was at Qlikview where we had a very productive problem solving session for one of our customers. We really were hitting the right vibe and we came up with some new fixes and ideas!

For me this was a high mobility workday where I worked on four locations. My documents, email and schedules are 100% in the cloud. This is great but requires access to the cloud to work 😉